Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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This version of slrn can run under OS/2 as well as Unix or VMS.
The compiled binaries, with everything you need to get it running, can
be found on http://www.bgnett.no/~bjoff/slrn.html.
To install the binaries, here are the steps needed;
1. Get a copy of the EMX runtime libraries, emxrt.zip (version 09c or
later required). emxrt.zip are available from most OS/2 archives,
for example:
ftp.leo.org: /pub/comp/os/os2/gnu/emx+gcc
hobbes.nmsu.edu: /os2/unix/emx09c
2. Append the following line to config.sys as a minimum, see notes
about variables below.
set NNTPSERVER=my.news.server
set HOME=d:\home\sweet\home
3. Copy the file slrn.rc into the home-directory and edit it to your
needs, it should be pretty well documented.
4. First time you start slrn, start it with the following parameters
"slrn.exe -create", this will create a jnews.rc. After that you can
start it without parameters.
5. If you want to use the "offline-mode", you have to start slrn.exe with
"slrn.exe --spool". Also please read documentation in the slrnpull dir.
slrn knows the following ENVIRONMENT variables;
TMP: Directory for temporary files, this should be set when you
installed OS/2 to something like x:\TMP.
USER or LOGNAME: This should be the same as the first part in your
email-address (until @)
REPLYTO: If you have another emailaddress than the account you're
posting from you can set this to the preffered email-address.
HOSTNAME: The name of your computer without domain-name.
NAME: Your real name
ORGANIZATION: Organization to put in the header.
EDITOR or VISUAL: Editor used if not defined in slrn.rc. (if none
of these are defined we use e.exe.
Most of these can be overridden in the slrn.rc file.
BUGS - Some of the char-translation is probably wrong, I need feedback
about this one. Preferable with a Message-ID so I can test it
out myself.
Scoring: regexp's doesn't match the ibm850 chars, this requires
changing the S-Lang code, so it won't be done anytime soon. :-(
TODO - Adding config-option to hide configuration files and newsrc like
dotfiles under *nix.
I don't think slrn.exe still can be used on a fat-only system,
there is still some filenames that don't conform to the 8+3
filnameing scheme.
The OS/2 version of slrn will use the full extent of the OS/2 command
window it's run in. You can do "mode co80,50", and it will use all 50
lines. You can also specify a wider window and it will use the extra
width. (If you use a wide window, please take care that your postings
don't exceed 80 characters per line. The net will thank you.)
To mail a reply or forward a message you need to set up a sendmail-
command in slrn.rc. The default is 'sendmail -t -af'. To set up slrn
to use an alternative mailer you can do something like
set sendmail_command "e:/network/slrn/mailfile.cmd"
or set sendmail_command "e:\\network\\slrn\\mailfile.cmd"
(note that you either must use one forward slash "/" or double
backslashes "\\")
where mailfile.cmd contains something like:
@echo off
cd e:\network\mr2ice
start e:\network\mr2ice\mr2i.exe /Q%1
I guess this should work with most mailers.
John E. Davis, davis@space.mit.edu author of slrn
Jay Maynard, jmaynard@nwpros.com much of the OS/2 port
Bjoern Frantzen, bjoff@bgnett.no January 1997